Scott Group have begun another Enlighted Smart Lighting Project in Ireland
Scott Group have begun another Enlighted project for a pharmaceutical company in Dublin. Our plan is to get 90%+ savings on this project...

PoE Lighting "Its not difficult"
A low-voltage POE LED lighting control solution that reduces costs and enhances building intelligence. Our intelligent lighting network...

Biggest IoT Project Completed with Savings of 93%
Scott Group have just completed the biggest IoT project in Ireland using Enlighted technology platform for smart buildings. With over...

Enlighted Install
We are well under way with our Enlighted Install....... Energy Manager installed and Smart Sensor Building Data is coming in.........

Enlighted | LED Lighting Controls Upgrade
#enlighted #smartbuilding #InternetofThings #Smartbuildings #POELighting #Smartlighting

The Difference LED Lighting makes to a Building.... #ScottGroup #POELighting
#PowerOverEthernet #POELighting #smartbuilding #smartlighting #IOT #lightingcontrols

Scott Group install Smart Engine | The most up to date PoE lighting technology
#casestudy #smartlighting #smartbuilding #POELighting