And We Begin Another Enlighted Smart Lighting Smart Building Installation.....
#enlighted #SmartLighting #Smartlighting #Smartbuildings #InternetofThings #ledlighting

PoE Lighting "Its not difficult"
A low-voltage POE LED lighting control solution that reduces costs and enhances building intelligence. Our intelligent lighting network...

Enlighted Install
We are well under way with our Enlighted Install....... Energy Manager installed and Smart Sensor Building Data is coming in.........

Enlighted LED Lighting Control Upgrade | GE Healthcare
Another successful Enlighted project delivered by Scott Group for one of the top Technology companies #enlighted #casestudy...

Enlighted | LED Lighting Controls Upgrade
#enlighted #smartbuilding #InternetofThings #Smartbuildings #POELighting #Smartlighting

Internet of Things
Internet of Things.... Data is the way forward.... Take Full Control of Your Building..... #EircomIoT #Eir #MicrosoftIoT...

Smart Engine | Johnson & Johnson
A successful PoE LED Lighting Smart Engine install project in Johnson & Johnson... Smart Lighting Controls and Software... 454 Light...